Gender Equality Index

In accordance with the Labor Code resulting from decree No. 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, where companies with more than 50 employees publish their gender equality index, calculated from four indicators relating to the pay gap between men and women.

The index (scored out of 100 points) uses four indicators:

  • Gender pay gaps for comparable jobs and ages
  • Variance in individual increases
  • Increases on return from maternity leave
  • Gender distribution of the ten highest-paid employees
  • *Per the Avenir law of September 5, 2018, which aims to eliminate the pay gap between men and women.

    Employees Calculated

    The proportion of the company’s or SIU’s taxable workforce: from 50 to 250 inclusive.

    71 employees* were used for the calculation of the indicators and the index.

    Women: 36
    Men: 35

    *NB: Apprentices, holders of a professionalization contract, employees made available to the company by an external company (including temporary workers), expatriate employees, as well as employees absent for more than half of the annual reference period in question are necessarily excluded from this scope (except for the calculation of the indicator relating to the return from maternity leave).

    Gender Pay Gap for Comparable Jobs and Ages

    Under 30 30 to 39 40 to 49 50+
    Workers NC NC NC NC
    Employees NC NC NC NC
    Technicians &
    4.516% NC NC NC
    Engineers &
    1.767% 11.896% -28.117% NC

    Indicator Result: 1% | A pay gap is in favor of men
    Points Obtained: 39/40

    Variance in Individual Increases

    Indicator Result: 21.3%
    Points Obtained: 15/35
    Data Details:

  • The gap is – 7*
  • *NB: We need to reach a < floor of 2.1 to reach a score of 20.

    Increases on Return from Maternity Leave

    Indicator: Percentage of employees who received a raise upon their return from maternity leave.
    Indicator Result: 100%
    Points Obtained: 15/15

    Gender Distribution of the Ten Highest-Paid Employees

    Indicator: Percentage of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 employees with the highest salaries.
    Indicator Result: 100%
    Points Obtained: 10/10

    Calculable Indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no) Indicator Value Points Obtained Maximum # of Points
    The gender pay gap for comparable jobs and ages 1 1% 39 40
    Variance in Individual Increases 1 21.3% 15 35
    Increases on return from maternity leave 1 100% 15 15
    Gender distribution of the ten highest-paid employees 1 100% 10 10
    Total Results 79 100

    Total points on calculable indicators: 79
    Maximum number of points: 100
    Total Results: 79/100