
Long-term insetting projects

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Agroforestry & Reforestation

By planting trees alongside crops and livestock, agroforestry contributes to the livelihood of local farmers while balancing global ecosystems.

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that promotes carbon sequestration, soil improvement, watershed health, and biodiversity.

Community Benefit Activities

Community benefit activities target the needs of local producer communities, improving livelihoods while supporting sustainable nature-based projects.

Forest Conservation

Forest conservation is a complex activity that requires the collaboration of landscape stakeholders at multiple levels.

Coastal & Marine Restoration

To regenerate marine ecosystems and mitigate global warming, PUR is engaging coastal communities to plant mangrove trees and develop onshore agroforestry projects.

About Us

PUR empowers local communities to develop long-term socio-environmental projects — including agroforestry, land preservation, and sustainable agricultural practices.